(b. 1969) is a scientific advisor at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore in Zagreb, where she has an interest in theories of myth and ritual, cultural and critical animal studies, and performance studies. She has published 3 books: the book Glasovi “Davnih dana”: transgresije svjetova u Krležinim zapisima 1914–1921/22 (2005), Kronotop hrvatskoga performansa: od Travelera do danas (2014) i knjigu Topoi hrvatskoga performansa: lokalna vizura (2017). She is a co-editor of six collections of papers. She is an external associate (lecturer) at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zadar and the Postgraduate Study of Literature, Performing Arts, Film and Culture at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. For the book Kronotop hrvatskoga performansa: od Travelera do danas (Bijeli val, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Školska knjiga): she received Annual Award of the Croatian Section AICA and State Award for Science.