Everyday life

Date of publication
10.6. 2021.

Everyday life is ordin­ary, embod­ied, it is a fleet­ing intim­acy with space and time. Long neg­lected and mar­gin­al­ized as an area of ​​aca­dem­ic interest, anthro­po­logy and soci­ology have found in every­day life an import­ant research focus, they have seen the strange and the unusu­al in the ordin­ary and the seem­ingly unim­port­ant. But this is not a dis­cip­lin­ary reflec­tion of every­day life.

If a pan­dem­ic is an event, it is an event because, some­times in the most rad­ic­al of ways, it pen­et­rates every­day life and changes the steady rhythms of lives that provide us with secur­ity and form our sense of being. But every­day life also often res­ists this kind of event. In oth­er words, the event does not have com­plete power over every­day life, even when it seems to be try­ing to con­trol it to the maximum.

The series of pho­to­graphs by Adriana Vidić offers us a look at the every­day life of one Dalmatian town, a town where she lives and works, and which is an inex­haust­ible inspir­a­tion for her cam­era lens. That city is Zadar. Home to some sev­enty thou­sand human inhab­it­ants and an unquan­ti­fied volume of oth­er liv­ing beings, this town with a long and often bloody his­tory is today a tourist-​focused, some­time called “stu­dent” town that presents itself through the ruins of the Roman Empire and mag­ni­fi­cent new stand­ard­ized con­struc­tion rather than its indus­tri­al waste , as well as human.

The selec­ted pho­to­graphs rep­res­ent frag­ments cap­tured since the event tried to take over every­day life and it is a test­a­ment to its resi­li­ence, as well as plasticity.

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