Open call
Open call for collaboration
We welcome short entries up to 2500 words focused on one concept, conceptualized within the context of the pandemics. Essays should be of speculative nature and do not need to be „closed off“ as a classical essay would be; therefore, their word count should be somewhat longer than those of classical lexical entries but at the same time shorter than original research papers.
The lexicon does not discriminate between political and non-political concepts; in order for concept to be defined as a political concept, author must posit it is as such and show different ways in which it operates within the space of forces, power and meanings. Lexicon is multidisciplinary and is not limited to nor does it privilege any particular (scientific) approach.
With its entries, the lexicon promotes short interventions in the works of other authors up to 500 words. Within one entry one can intervene multiple times. The aim of these comments should be to promote further discussion, as well as to open up that specific entry or one of its parts in ways the original author had not predicted. These short interventions are not commentaries on essay in general and do not play a role of a review; their function is to solicit the dialogue between authors, different disciplines, theoretical discourses and different registers of meaning. After submitting a lexical entry, the author is encouraged to intervene in entries of other authors, something which will be possible after logging in to a webpage with individual username and password.
All authors will receive their usernames, and others are encouraged as well to register in order to participate in a moderated dialogue.
For potential new lexical entries, as well as questions or further comments please write at: politič
Please send any lexical entry as an attachment to an e‑mail, in MS Word format, font 12, Times New Roman, double spacing. Before submitting the text, we kindly ask prospective authors to contact the editorial board in regards to the language of their entry.
Editorial process
Editorial process takes up between 4 and 6 weeks, after which the authors will be notified of the decision of the editorial board.
Author Guidelines
Format of writing and citing is MLA (instructions). We kindly ask authors to limit the number of footnotes to 30 due to the web format of the lexicon.
How to cite
Research paper in a journal
Last Name, First name. „Article title.“ Journal Title, volume, issue, pages from – to, year, http address (if available), date. Example:
Fraser, Nancy, Bhattacharya, Tithi i Ciniza Arruzza. „Notes For A Feminist Manifesto.“ New Left Review, 114, 63 – 97, November – December 2018,, January 17th 2021.
Book (translation)
Last Name, First name. Title. The name of the translator, publisher, year.
Lecourt, Dominique. Marxism and Epistemology: Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault. Translated by Ben Brewster, NLB, 1975.
Books with multiple authors
If the number of authors exceeds two write the name of the first author in the format last name first, and the rest in the format: first name first.
Mann, Geoff and Joel Wainwright. Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future. Verso, 2018.
After listing all the editors put the comma and „editor“ or „editors“.
Krauss, Chris and Sylere Lotringer, editors. Hatred of Capitalism: A Semiotext(e) Reader. Semiotext(e), 2001.
- Author and/or editor names (if available); last names first.
- “Article name in quotation marks.”
- Title of the website, project, or book in italics.
- Any version numbers available, including editions (ed.), revisions, posting dates, volumes (vol.), or issue numbers (no.).
- Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date.
- Take note of any page numbers (p. or pp.) or paragraph numbers (par. or pars.).
- DOI (if available), otherwise a URL (without the https://) or permalink.
- Date you accessed the material (Date Accessed). While not required, saving this information it is highly recommended, especially when dealing with pages that change frequently or do not have a visible copyright date.
Patrick Cockburn, „War Zones“. Sidecar, January 14th 2021,, date of entry January 17th 2021.