Open call

Open call for collaboration

We wel­come short entries up to 2500 words focused on one concept, con­cep­tu­al­ized with­in the con­text of the pan­dem­ics. Essays should be of spec­u­lat­ive nature and do not need to be „closed off“ as a clas­sic­al essay would be; there­fore, their word count should be some­what longer than those of clas­sic­al lex­ic­al entries but at the same time short­er than ori­gin­al research papers.

The lex­icon does not dis­crim­in­ate between polit­ic­al and non-​political con­cepts; in order for concept to be defined as a polit­ic­al concept, author must pos­it it is as such and show dif­fer­ent ways in which it oper­ates with­in the space of forces, power and mean­ings. Lexicon is mul­tidiscip­lin­ary and is not lim­ited to nor does it priv­ilege any par­tic­u­lar (sci­entif­ic) approach.

With its entries, the lex­icon pro­motes short inter­ven­tions in the works of oth­er authors up to 500 words. Within one entry one can inter­vene mul­tiple times. The aim of these com­ments should be to pro­mote fur­ther dis­cus­sion, as well as to open up that spe­cif­ic entry or one of its parts in ways the ori­gin­al author had not pre­dicted. These short inter­ven­tions are not com­ment­ar­ies on essay in gen­er­al and do not play a role of a review; their func­tion is to soli­cit the dia­logue between authors, dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines, the­or­et­ic­al dis­courses and dif­fer­ent registers of mean­ing. After sub­mit­ting a lex­ic­al entry, the author is encour­aged to inter­vene in entries of oth­er authors, some­thing which will be pos­sible after log­ging in to a webpage with indi­vidu­al user­name and password.

All authors will receive their user­names, and oth­ers are encour­aged as well to register in order to par­ti­cip­ate in a mod­er­ated dialogue.

For poten­tial new lex­ic­al entries, as well as ques­tions or fur­ther com­ments please write at: politič 

Please send any lex­ic­al entry as an attach­ment to an e‑mail, in MS Word format, font 12, Times New Roman, double spa­cing. Before sub­mit­ting the text, we kindly ask pro­spect­ive authors to con­tact the edit­or­i­al board in regards to the lan­guage of their entry.

Editorial pro­cess

Editorial pro­cess takes up between 4 and 6 weeks, after which the authors will be noti­fied of the decision of the edit­or­i­al board.

Author Guidelines

Format of writ­ing and cit­ing is MLA (instruc­tions). We kindly ask authors to lim­it the num­ber of foot­notes to 30 due to the web format of the lexicon.

How to cite

Research paper in a journal 

Last Name, First name. „Article title.“ Journal Title, volume, issue, pages from – to, year, http address (if avail­able), date. Example:

Fraser, Nancy, Bhattacharya, Tithi i Ciniza Arruzza. „Notes For A Feminist Manifesto.“ New Left Review, 114, 63 – 97, November  – December 2018,, January 17th 2021.

Book (trans­la­tion) 

Last Name, First name. Title. The name of the trans­lat­or, pub­lish­er, year.

Lecourt, Dominique. Marxism and Epistemology: Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault. Translated by Ben Brewster, NLB, 1975.  

Books with mul­tiple authors

If the num­ber of authors exceeds two write the name of the first author in the format last name first, and the rest in the format: first name first.

Mann, Geoff and Joel Wainwright. Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future. Verso, 2018.


After list­ing all the edit­ors put the comma and „edit­or“ or „edit­ors“.

Krauss, Chris and Sylere Lotringer, edit­ors. Hatred of Capitalism: A Semiotext(e) Reader. Semiotext(e), 2001.



Patrick Cockburn, „War Zones“. Sidecar, January 14th 2021,, date of entry January 17th 2021.